My husband and I are having a hard time in our marriage right now. He doesn't give me any emotional love so how can I be sexual, I need to be emotionally there for him first.But it's just the opposite with him he needs sexual pleasure before he can be emotionally there for me. What should I do? Does anyone know of any good websites or have
any good advice.What comes first in a marriage emotional or sexual fulfillment?
You would be surprised at how much emotional fulfillment a man can get out of sexual fullfillment. You would be surprised at how many times my husband has told me he feels close after we have discovered things about each other sexually.
Also, you say you need emotional fulfillment before you can have sexual fulfillment fo ryourself. So maybe try to see it in this way. He thinks youre sexy and you are making him happy, that should make you feel very emotionally happy that you can make him so happy, and that he is so happy with you making him so happy. Make sense?What comes first in a marriage emotional or sexual fulfillment?
'Love for a man, is but part of his life; but for a woman it is her whole life' - moral, if things are tough, men tend to detach themselves emotionally.
Biologically this makes sense, they are hunter/gatherers - providers, if they were to wallow whilst in turmoil, they'd never be able to carry on - they can compartmentalise things. Women are the nurturers, we are designed to empathise %26amp; are more emotional - %26amp; ruled by our emotions - far more. There is nothing wrong with either response, our survival was built on it.
When things are rocky us girls look for emotional assurance that we are still loved. Men can't think clearly or problem solve when emotional - we excel at it. It's just our differences.
A man who really didn't want a future wouldn't have sex - he's emotionally bonded to you; if he didn't care he'd be after no-strings sex with someone casual!
Don't use sex as a weapon by denying him, nor bring any emotional drama into the bedroom. Use it as healing, show him you care.
most men are not overly emotional. Yes the fall deeply in lone with their mate. Men are fixers ladies are talkers. I for one feel sex is part of my emotion to my wife. If he is doing the thing that make you happy outside the bed room he is showing his emotion because he wants to make you happy and gets joy know you are happy.
You can take control and be romantic.
In my marriage they often go hand in hand.
But you can never have true sexual fulfillment if you're emotionally neglected.
Marriage kills both. Was it ever a problem before you got married?
I have found that emotional and sexual fulfillment can go hand in hand at times. maybe a sexual encounter can get the ball rolling...
u are just a body to bang! tHAT IS why he like u! sorry! not!
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