Friday, August 20, 2010

How do the sacrifices of a husband and wife differ from those of pretenders to marriage?

Marriage is a tough decision for actual mating couples in the 21st century. Cohabitation offers an immediate attraction. Why do mating couples think long and hard about committing themselves for better or for worse?

In contrast, as soon as a liberal judge imposes a newly invented ';marriage,'; hundreds of pretenders jump at the chance to do some play-acting. Why do they act in such haste? How do the sacrifices of a husband and wife differ from those of pretenders to marriage?
A man and woman contemplating real marriage have a big decision. Will they give up every other sexually attractive partner for life? Will they take the risk of bearing children, who may be damaged or cost the woman her life? Will they sacrifice their freewheeling lifestyles for the strictures of family? Will they burden themselves for decades with personal and financial responsibilities for children? It takes real love to say yes to God's call to marriage, and great discernment to recognize that a partner may not be up to the noble vocation of marriage.

Those jumping at pretend marriage have nothing to lose. They can gain legitimacy for their sexual immorality, and maybe some tax breaks. As homosexual Andrew Sullivan admits, homosexual men don't seriously intend to give up sleeping with other men; that's the big reason for choosing homosexuality. Since no children will issue from homosexual sex-play, that is not an issue at all. No risk of injury in pregnancy, no risk of a damaged child, no risk of decades of responsibility.

No, there is simply no comparison.

How do the sacrifices of a husband and wife differ from those of pretenders to marriage?

There is no real marriage as God in tented if not between a husband and a wife. As you said marriage means sacrifices for that is what real love means and not carnal attraction only. Cohabitation is no marriage.

You take some time before taking the step to marry so as to get used

to each others character. It doesn't mean that they agree with everything. They learn to give way to others so that their bondage will remain even when faced with difficulties. Cohabitation or other forms have no bonds and so the living together could easily be broken.

So they have reason why others don't agree with any other ';marriage';.
When believing Christians enter into the covenant of marriage, many understand that it's not just a simple matter of a ';contract'; between man and woman but also includes God. (Everyone who professes to be in Christ SHOULD know and understand the principles of the marriage covenant and covenant with God.) Breaking a contract with another human being is never good but breaking covenant with God is another matter all together.

The pretenders act in haste because they are acting on selfish emotions that don't have a lot to do with the will of God. Honestly, anyone who calls marriage anything other than what God established in Genesis is ';play-acting'; anyway no matter what length of time they take to think about it/plan/what have you.


Because the phrases ';liberal judge'; and ';newly invented 'marriage,'; I take it you are referring to the so-called same-sex marriage ruling.

This is not an ';anti-homosexual comment'; but reflecting on God's standard of marriage which HE invented and put into action with Adam and Eve. One either believes His word or not. Personally, I don't condone homosexuality or bisexuality but if couples want to unite, I side with God on what constitutes marriage: I believe they should refer to same-sex unions as partnership agreements.

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess you're talking about gay marriage. I will admit as a Christian I had a problem with the idea of gay marriage, but since I have opened my eyes I have seen many same sex couples who are truly committed to eachother and just want what we all find a soulmate to spend their life with.

They do not choose to be who they are they just are. If the Lord didn't want them to be, they wouldn't be. Who am I, or you, to tell them they have to live with no rights?

Do you honestly believe they go into marriage without the same questions and trepidations we all feel? I don't.
For many, they are excited about the opportunity to finally legalize the commitment that they have had for years. They probably would have done so years before, had it been legal, so they're not necessarily rushing into anything. Your question is like asking why black people rushed to the universities post-segregation in the US, or why women rushed to the voting booths when they were finally granted the legal right to do so. Why do you feel the need to post your hatred so regularly?
No relationship arrangement is play acting. It's what's right for others at the time, and it's none of your business. You'll spend most of your life miserable if you try to decide how others should live.

It's funny how few people who rag on ';liberal judges'; have earned a bacherlor's, let alone a degree as challenging as a JD.
Get over it - homosexual couples marry for the same reasons as heterosexual

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