Lately, CT just legalized same-sex marriage. America is quickly tumbling down a slippery slope. True, godly marriage is being attacked, and the way of the American family is being corrupted. Will is ever be fixed? Or are we messed up beyond repair?
And how can people say that homosexuality is natural? Just look at two men or two women holding hands and/or kissing. Can you honestly tell me that the sheer sight of that doesn't make you want to vomit? How can we stop same-sex marriage from spreading any further than it already has?
';And how can people say that homosexuality is natural? Just look at two men or two women holding hands and/or kissing. Can you honestly tell me that the sheer sight of that doesn't make you want to vomit?';
Actually, homophobic bigots like you make me want to vomit. How can we stop same-sex marriage from spreading any further than it already has?
I agree with you.
Corruption and immorality are rampant in the 21st century. It won't be fixed unless people who are pro-family and passionate about the original values of their country step up to the plate and fight.
As a whole we've given up and become too passive and now these types of people are attempting to take over with their agenda to corrupt - and you know whose shoulders all this falls on? Our children.
I just read an article today about San Francisco elementary school students being taken on a field trip to watch their lesbian teacher get married - this is an abomination and it is disgusting! I at least hope that the parents were informed of this before the kids were pulled out of school to have their innocent minds corrupted.
I love all the 'bigot' comments you received on this. The funny thing is, they are the ones who are bigots. If you don't agree with these nut-jobs they say you're a bigot.
Opinions like yours and mine have nothing to do with intolerance or ignorance - it has to do with knowing right from wrong and morality from immorality.
The people who disagree here have sick, twisted minds and it is a disease and a disgrace to American society.
Edit: Anastasia - ';God has nothing to do with marriage?'; HELLO? He is the One who created marriage...
By reading the majority of answers on here from people that favor disgracing and degrading the REAL institution and sanctity of marriage, I'd say that the influence of the immoral homosexual movement is working, convincing many people more and more each day, that there's nothing wrong with sin! You can live your life the way you want, regardless if it's immoral and sinful. This society today accepts sin and immorality and no longer sees homosexuality as sin - sad, but that's the direction it's going - and it won't get any better - just worse! Society is easily being brainwashed by homosexuals, atheists, etc. - those that want to turn society into another Sodom and Gomorrah - and unfortunately, it's working.
';Can you honestly tell me that the sheer sight of that doesn't make you want to vomit?';
You and people like you make me want to vomit.
Living in a society with humans ensures that there are lotsa things I have to put up with and it's mostly to do with people like you who want to take my freedoms away.
You are a typical WOWSER: an ineffably pious person who mistakes this world for a penitentiary and himself for a warder.
Despite your affiliations with the christian society, I can't help but agree with you about the sickening adversity of gayness.
I also can't help but agree that we are too far gone in our society to truly purge our culture of homosexuality, and all of it's perverted brethren.
As much as I wish to fantasize the annihilation of all things homosexual, it simply cannot be done. With all of the backing of
gay-*** support groups, whether they're truly gay or not, an attack on the sick cult cannot be accomplished.
No, it doesn't make me want to vomit. I'm with the first answerer, bigots like you make me want to vomit! I see no reason to stop same sex marriage. I have never seen a good argument against it! All I hear is God dislikes it, and the Bible says.. Well, guess what? We don't all believe in the bible, and in this country we have freedom of religion. Christians didn't come up with marriage, they do not have sole right over it, sorry.
As a straight person, it honestly does not bother me to see same sex holding hands. We can not stop same sex marriage and I hope that all 50 states makes it legal and keeps it legal.
I'm sorry, I know you didn't want me to say that homosexuality is normal, but I do have to say it. Sometimes you could even find it in the animal kingdom. My aunt had two male dogs she had to keep separate.
delete marriage all together?
';And how can people say that homosexuality is unnatural? Just look at two men or two women holding hands and/or kissing. Can you honestly tell me that the sheer sight of that doesn't make you want to vomit? It's too cute!';
an equally valid arguement
oh, the phelps family called, they want their arguement back
you may want to ask in the GLBTG section and see some REAL answers...
I'll overlook the aggressively hateful (christian?) tone of this question and point out that if homosexuality is not natural, then it must be supernatural (what else could it be?). God is also supernatural...
Also, thousands of animals practise homosexuality. Why would God allow them, and not humans to?
That's probably why God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, it's like a cancer that once it gets started there is no turning back. I know it's not the popular view but I didn't make the rules God did, and we are only supposed to abide by them. Man can say anything is ok but it still doesn't make it right.
So when do you start going after the legally ordained non-christian pastors that are marrying non-christians? Where does religion take a step back?
No, no it does not make me want to vomit. I see nothing wrong with it. Love is beautiful, in every color of the spectrum-even when that color is prismatic, rainbow inspired.
I am with you all the way. Unfortunately we can't *stop* it from spreading further but it doesn't mean we have to agree with it.
I know: it's perverse! And God's Word has something sobering to say about it...
There is no place in Heaven for homosexuals.
are you all nuts? funny how all the people who say it's okay are the atheists and the pagans. what a coincedence...not!!!!!!! it's wrong, disgusting and perverse. it doesn't even make sense to marry two gay people. marriage is religious so we should not let homos marry. and no, i do not hate gay people and im not afraid of them, but it's sick what there doing, and we need to stop it
Who cares? YOU don't have sex with the same sex, so why do others people's lives have to affect you? Leave them alone and let them live their lives. Love is love and all people deserve to expirience it. You can't choose who you love. And if you can't realize it I feel truly sorry for you.
By the way, i'm not gay.
i think this question has been asked before.
Little Troll, same-sex marriage is here to stay. If I'm not mistaken, your bigotry probably means you're self-loathing and in the ';closet';.
All i can say is everyone has a right to love and be happy, and gay men rock.
you make it sound like a disease. if you don't like it don't marry the same sex. why must you spread your close minded beliefs on a society that is growing and expanding? i believe anyone that loves each other enough to put themselves through the ';hell'; of marriage deserve to marry.
red neck religious freaks make me want to vomit... two people in love is beautiful no matter what sex they are. you need to grow up and expand your world.
As it was in the old testament Sodom was destroyed by God for that reason , he also said in revelation ( that the world will become even more evil than it was before the flood , don't get too upset , this only means that the Lord Jesus will come soon.
I don't know why you're so against same-sex marriage. Does it affect you? Does it harm you in any way at all?
Same-sex marriage isn't for me, but I respect that other people have the right to marry whoever they want.
Connecticut has had legalized gay marriage for almost four years now.
Do the world a favor and go crawl back to that rock you have been living under for the past ten years and take your bigotry with you.
You can't stop same-sex marriage. You're not involved and they are consenting adults. Why do you care what goes on in somebody else's bedroom?
Persons that can't stand the sight of love in action make me want to vomit.
Oppression, segregation, inequality and attack.. It worked so well with African Americans in the south it should work with homosexuals as well...
For those not versed in sarcasm (you know who you are) this is dripping with it...
Oh noes! We're actually giving people their rights! Run away!
As for homosexuality being unnatural, I think not. Homosexuality is prevalent in many species. (over 1500, in fact!)
You can stop it the same way you deny others rights based on their race or sex - simple. Even if homosexuality was not natural, what right do you have to legislate your excuse for morality on others?
i say that you have to suffer the attack. we will all have enough on our individual hands come judgement day. theres no need to add judgeing others to our personal faults. as long as you are following your heart youll be allright.
pay people to marry people of opposite sex. charge people a LOT of money to marry people of the same sex. i know it sounds materialistic but i bet it would work
Same sex marriage discrimination is also sexual discrimination.鈥?/a>
You could try concentrating on making your own life as meaningful and fulfilled as possible and stop worrying about what other people do in their bedrooms for a start.
You can't. Get over yourself, and accept that your way is not the ONLY way. SOME people actually possess an imagination, not a brick between their ears.
';They'; have an 'Agenda' and it has to do with ';Pride and Arrogance';, which right there is an abomination to God already!!
Hang on....
*goes outside, spots a gay couple holding hands, notices surprising lack of urge to vomit*
Yep, I can honestly say that.
Same sex marriage is not the destructive factor on this continent...
It`s assholes like you that have made the world what it is today....
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