Friday, August 20, 2010

If same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, why are polygamous unions recognized in 8 times more countries?

Same-sex marriage is recognized in six countries, and Sweden and Nepal are set to join the batch by 2010.

48 Countries allow polygamy.

So if polygamy is legal in 8 times as many countries as gay marriage, how would gay marriage lead to polygamy?If same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, why are polygamous unions recognized in 8 times more countries?
*chuckle* They can't hear you, and they never will.

But thanks for trying.If same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, why are polygamous unions recognized in 8 times more countries?
The countries which allow polygamy are Muslim countries which follow Sharia Law.

Where woman are little more than property.

Where getting a new wife is like buying a new car.

Where selling a used car is more complex than divorcing a wife you no longer like.

Is that what you want?

Where man always get custody of the children?

Where a 16 year old girl is executed for seducing a 53 year old taxi driver? That relationship began when, as they claim the girl who was 13 then, seduced the 50 year old taxi driver.

Where whenever a woman is raped, its the woman's fault?
being married to more then one spouse at the same time is not allowed in most countries.

the countries are also mostly muslim鈥?/a>

People of the west do not recognize polygamous marriages. They do not even tolerate such unions.

Most of those nations also allow marriage to children of under 15 years old.

Should we also allow that?
Polygamy was a way of life for 10,000 years of recorded history and 200,000 years of ancient history. The church decided to make it a sin only to control people about 1000 years ago. and if you want to gather people and make a ton of money find something common for them to hate. Most of the people who hate polygamy are just jealous.
Polygamy in the US tends to lead toward pedophilia. I think as long as it stays among consenting adults people should be allowed to form whatever family group they want. I personally have no problem with polygamy, polyandry or gay marriage.
Polygamy in this country wouldn't work unless the man was pretty rich. In these economic times how would that play out.

I really don't know why people think same sex marriage would lead to polygamy. Good question. Both are non Christian BTW.
Nice, thanks.

Except it leaves people still wanting to compare these unrelated apples and oranges.
We govern ourselves. We don't allow either. If we allow one, then their is no reason not to allow the other.
Yeah well, that's because gay marriage will allow for...


Curse you and your facts!
Not a speck of logic in that...Correlation is NOT causation.

I'm tempted to say 'How perverted !!';
reason eludes the people you are trying to reach with this question. i like the effort though.

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