What if the word ';marriage'; was removed in entirety; no ';marriage'; at all, gay or straight. Instead, all homosexual and heterosexual life-term relationships would have the same rights, just under a different word or phrase (such as ';Civil Union'; or whatever) and the term marriage could be left to the interpretation of the individual/the individuals faith.How plausible of a solution is this to the gay marriage debate?
You're on the right track. Marriage is a civil contract anymore, which may or may not incluede a religious component. So long as both partnership contracts confer the very same rights and responsibilities, I'm coolwiddat.
The only problem would be the squawking when gays and lesbians start referring to their partnerships as marriages. If we leave the term marriage to the interpretation of the individual/individual's faith, then it is inevitable that there will be some outcry. Would that it were not so, alas, it is so.How plausible of a solution is this to the gay marriage debate?
The end game is gays don't want ';marriage';. They want to force their life on others. Let's start with kindergarten, instead of books about princess and prince there will be two prince's. Your church, well they would not only have to allow marriages on property, but also marry them in the churchs faith, and the congrgation would be sued to watch. Photographers and singers who refuse would be sued in court.
Parents who object would be arrested, and banned from voting, or attending their childrens school. CHildren of such parents would be beaten by gangs and allowed by the school. The nurse would refuse to notify the parents, and instead wait while the child suffers in the nursing office until teh parents find out 5 hours later and take the child to the ER themselves where the child is admitted. The first thing the principal will say, is ';YOU CAN't SUE US FOR THIS';.
That's what it's already like in many states.
I agree, but probably not plausible. The term ';marriage'; is deeply ingrained in law.
But if it could be done it's definitely the best solution. I see it this way:
';Marriage'; is religious, so leave marriage up to the religious institution that is holding the ceremony. Government should license ';Civil Unions,'; a secular idea that is simply the joining of two people.
Then, a Church (or any other religious institution) that feels it is wrong for a gay couple to get married can refuse to marry them, but that couple still enjoys the rights of a heterosexual couple under the law and is free to find a different Church that will marry them.
At least you are trying.
Taking away marriage from all is not a good solution.
I went from against the idea of Gay marriage to supporting the idea.
It boils down to civil rights, that's all.
Let churches decide if the want to do the ceremonies or not. That's up to them.
Let people like it or not or not care either way, that's up to them.
People say it will lead to other things.
Maybe it will. We will decide on a case by case basis when it happens.
Nobody has to earn their rights by assuring the rest of us that something else we don't like won't happen.
I don't get why people wanting to have the same rights as everyone else is always interpreted as wanting ';special rights'; or ';shoving their lifestyles into everyones faces.'; Love is love is love... Two people that love one another are no different than any other two people that love eachother... their sex organs shouldn't determine what they legally can or cannot do -- that's unconstitutional.
Because regardless, people want a marriage. It's the historical meaning of the word. Civil Union has no gravitas in world history. There will still be people who are married and people who aren't. That's not going to be good enough.
this is nothing new, it already exists.
the problem is many (most) want to shove their lifestyle into the faces of everyone.
Not a bad idea, I've heard it before.
The problem is trying to convince people that ALL couples deserve the same benefits.
Good luck with that.
Well no if what people do behind close doors chaps your hide well gosh dern it the pooh keep hittin da fan
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