It's disgusting that people get these government benefits, but me, a hard working man has to continue to be a slave to this society. I feel that marriage should have nothing to do with the government, since that's the way Americas forefathers intended it in the first place.How can I get marriage outlawed or at least not have anything to do with the government?
I agree, but its not really the government. it the church and the religious leaders that are so short sited they can not believe in anything else but what is in the bible.
if I marry my partner the world will not fall a part. I just do not see my self as that important.
I agree with what Pres- elect Obama said, ';the Constitution should expand rights and freedoms not take them away.How can I get marriage outlawed or at least not have anything to do with the government?
I'm mad that I'm paying taxes that help these chodes that are married and my partner and I don't/won't get anything.
You're fighting a losing battle...couple will always 'find' each other...and commit to each other...and it 'will' be called marriage...regardless of whether 'society approves' or not... Love WILL find a way... Straights who suffer 'self righteous indignation' based upon their 'version' of morality should 'grow up' and 'get over it' AND love WILL go on...whether they 'approve' of it or not...
I don't understand any part of your question or your irate ranting.
What government benefits? You seem unaware that you have benefits.
How are you a slave to society?
Explain how/why you believe our forefathers intended marriage and government to be unrelated?
Do you realize that our Constitution does not mention ';separation of church and state';?
Now, what is it you are really trying to ask?
my personal opinion, no matter what people say the government has never had the right to say who can marry and who can't. here's what you do if you want to get married. have a ceremony with friends and family, buy two rings and say your vows, document it, and change your names to match. you don't have to go through the ***** court systems for that and afterwords you'll be married.
I don't understand your being ';a slave to this society';. It is my experience that people are slaves to their shortcomings or lack of ambition or lack of imagination. You may want to look into ways that are more suited to your ability's or talents that will be more beneficial to you while you work inside the system. Look at the society as a game that everyone has the ability to learn and win at.
The marriage thing, I couldn't agree more.
I agree. As a single hetero woman I find it unfair that married people get tax breaks, etc., however, the reason those benefits are there is so that more people will get married, and contribute to this capitalist society. If the country was full of single, childless people like us, eventually the economy, social services systems, early education programs, etc, would crumble, and the entire... ';feel'; of the nation would change from rearing children, to a somewhat hedonistic purpose of self sufficiency. Gah, my suggestion to you is to just get used to it pal.
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