How can anyone who supports gay marriage deny the ';happiness'; of responsible adults, even if they are relatives, who wish to live with and support multiple spouses if they are happy in such an arrangement?What are gay marriage advocates opinion on polygamy within a group of consenting adults?
Well it is in the bible after all so I guess that makes it peachy keen.What are gay marriage advocates opinion on polygamy within a group of consenting adults?
No matter how much six or eight or ten people consent, marriage is a LEGAL contract between TWO people. It's ALWAYS been a legal contract. Recognition of gay marriage simply means that same sex couples would receive the same benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy: pensions, disability benefits, adoption rights, rights of survivorship, etc. This actually could only benefit society as in case of family crisis the burden of care would not shift to the state or the gov't.
If people want to live in a polygamist commune, more power to them, but don't look for it to be happening legally any time soon.
I just don't think anyone would go for that
We arent apes anymore, theres no reason for polygamy - and don't say its based on love and compare it to gays, cause thats just silly
Its not a fair comparison, nobody denies the sexual ';happiness'; of consenting adults, hence why gangbangs and **** are still legal, but I can;t see a group of people who claim to love eachother wanting to marry and have kids based soley on the percieved same principal and rights that gay people want, that makes no sense and is somewhat back stepping in human progress to assume that 4 or 5 people are sharing a bond that has nothing to do with sex and just want love and equal rights for thier ';preferance'; (which it isnt a preferance by all standards)'d have to be extremely retarded and naive to actually believe that thats why they want to get married
All I see is some gang bangers who want the social advantages of marriage, anti-descrimination laws and rights to raise a family without having to revoke and abondon their (questionable) sexual uhh...';practices';
Basically, they wanna drive a truck but are unwilling to grow up and realise that 5 people driving 1 car is a bad idea, and that 2 people in the front seats are more likely to reach the destination.
Kitkat is the only one who came up with a half decent answer. Although it doesn't really get to the heart of the question. I've wondered this same question before. And I still have yet to see anyone come up with a real coherent answer to this question.
I really believe that this is one of the biggest challenges gays will face in making their marriages legal. Because if they make their marriages legal, then someone else will want polygamous and incestuous marriages legalized also based on the same grounds that gays use. discrimination, happiness, fairness, etc.
Polygamy is not something that I agree with at all but I do not force my personal beliefs on others. So if all parties were consenting adults, I would not have a problem with it.
Why do I have the right to tell you who you can marry? I don't.
i really dont care- it think it's kind of weird but hardly my business. i think that some of the difficulty may have to do with survivor benefits-who gets the social security check after husband dies? i wouldnt want polygamists to get more benefits than others
What does polygamy have in common with same-sex marriage that it doesn't with opposite-sex marriage? Shouldn't you be asking this to people who support marriage in general?
Actually, I don't have a problem with polygamy, as long as all the parties involved are consenting adults. That being said, though, I certainly wouldn't want to share my man with anyone else!
I tell them to go for it. Millions of men and women cheat on their ';spouse'; anyhow, its all about the same.
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