Goes to show you Americans don't want it. Every time it's been voted on its been shot down, the only way it can pass is if politicians and judges ram it down our throat which is unconstitutional.
I'ts not the same thing as marriage, marriage is a man and woman, gay is two of the same sex, how is that the same? It is not.How awesome is it gay marriage was overturned in Maine?
As a high-schooler in Maine, I didn't vote, but I am glad it was voted down. Of course it will be back, not next year, but the year after that, and I will go vote it down then. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and apparently, Maine does too. :)How awesome is it gay marriage was overturned in Maine?
All I can say is.... wow. -_-'
You're just... ugh.
It's awesome anytime the voices of the people are heard.
1) i don't care, as i live in Kansas.
2) no it shows that Maine doesn't want it.
3) i disagree with your views on marraige. I think Marraige can and should be between whoever wants to get married.
Be careful, you will be violated. I had the nerve to ask a question about why Obama was on television every every day and was violated and the violation was upheld. You are probably marked and will be monitored because you are not liberal
First off, your question is rant, nice try though.
Second, it shows that Maine doesn't want it, and actually, it shows that the inbred religious wingnuts without jobs found out a way to get to the polling booth more frequently than the other side.
The disgusting thing is, people honestly feel that a civil union = a marriage, so they (the opponents of gay marriage) feel that this is adequate.
There are many rights offered to married folks that people in a civil union do not get.
Example: In Florida, one gay man or one gay woman can adopt, but a Gay couple under the ';bonds'; of a civil union cannot.
Example: Even though each state has its own laws around marriage, if someone is married in one state and moves to another, their marriage is legally recognized. For example, Oregon marriage law applies to people 17 and over. In Washington state, the couple must be 18 to wed. However, Washington will recognize the marriage of two 17 year olds from Oregon who move there. This is not the case with Civil Unions. If someone has a Civil Union in Vermont, that union is not recognized in any other state. As a matter of fact, two states, Connecticut and Georgia, have ruled that they do not have to recognize civil unions performed in Vermont, because their states have no such legal category. As gay marriages become legal in other states, this status may change.
I am not a homosexual and am not in any way biased, but that is absurd. Marriage, no matter what it used to be, is defined in the 21st century social policy of today as simply the state recognized union between two non related, human beings in love.
There is literally nothing wrong with that statement; and for the close minded lot that feel this would slippery slope into apes marrying their borthers and so forth, come off it.
If we can have over 11,000 laws regarding guns and gun ownership, I'm sure we could logically handle two gay people getting married.
People, wake up. Some really need to understand that the Bible, to some, is nothing more than a book. You need real, logical and verifiable proof if you are trying to dispel an argument using your point of view. God forbid, no pun intended, that you think outside of that leather bound book before you pass judgement so quickly.
It is not awesome at all the Maine overturned gay marriage, any more that it would have been ';awesome'; if voters in 1800s Georgia overturned a law banning slavery. Bigotry is bigotry, no matter when or where.
Blog post about why the most famous arguments against gay marriage are false: http://jollyjeffersonian.blogspot.com/
why as a society are we more comfortable seeing two men holding guns instead of holding hands? I think people should focus on their own damn lives. What's the big deal? I'm sorry if straights can't get along in their marriage, but don't try to stop other's from doing so.
whatever happened to separation of church and state? any marriage should be legal if they are two consenting adults. also if a church doesn't want to perform a gay marriage, then they shouldn't be forced to either.
p.s. are you happily married? from what i've read in your question, I highly doubt it. even if you believe you are, you aren't because if you were happily married you wouldn't give a flying ***** about gay marriage. must be miserable to be you
Why do you care? Unless you're just glad because you're not out and If you're not marrying the one you love then why should anyone else? As long as they're happy why would you lose any sleep over it? F*ckin' prick.
I think it is horrible that Maine overturned it--and it won't stick. I was so hopeful that my favorite state was (finally!) going to allow gay mmarriage I just hope that it will be passed in to law SOON!
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