Friday, August 20, 2010

What are your views on waiting till marriage to have sex?

I think waiting for marriage to have sex is a valid and reasonable choice, but abstinence shouldn't be shoved down people's throats.

How is it ';moral'; to wait until marriage to have sex and ';immoral'; to have sex with someone you care for or even love when not married? Why can't both be considered pure of intent? I think it's better to have strong morals about sex meaning something more than just carnal pleasure. And don't confuse ';promiscuity'; with ';monogamy';. Sort of like having one piece of cake and eating the whole thing by yourself.

Thoughts?What are your views on waiting till marriage to have sex?
I think its a really stupid idea.

Sex is powerful physically, emotionally and even spirituality. It will teach you a lot about yourself, your partner, your compatibility together, and it has a huge impact on your relationship. When your about to commit yourself to someone for life, it is a Terrible idea to not know if you are 100% compatible. Sex / love making are both essential for a long term healthy relationship. Its not shallow - its reality. Each person has different sexual needs, and it happens to A LOT of couples where they are not sexually compatible and it causes strain and tension on the relationship.

Now, dont get me wrong. I do not support sleeping around. Like I said, sex is a powerful thing. You shouldn't be sleeping with every boyfriend you have or passing yourself out like a platter. Sex should be saved for someone you trust, have deep feelings for, and are in a long term relationship with.

Sex is also a RISKY thing. So you Have to be Sexually Educated. Always use 2 form of birth control, and make sure you and your partner dont have any STDs. Not all STDs have visible symptoms.

I had sex before marriage. So did my husband. Our honeymoon night was still an amazing experience. Neither of us have Any regrets.

But it is a personal choice. No one should do anything they dont feel comfortable with.What are your views on waiting till marriage to have sex?
Both are a choice; a personal choice and an individual choice - there is no right thing to do and no wrong thing to do.

I have nothing against people waiting until marriage, I think that shows tremendous discipline and props to them, but I also have nothing against pre-marital sex, I'm not going to judge someone on something that has nothing to do with me - I'm not a virgin and I'm not married, and I don't regret it and no one else has the right to judge me about that - just like I haven't the right to judge them.
Till marriage, although nice, most people don't do it since some only get married by the time they're 30.

I think it's ok after you've reached 16-18 year mark and know how to keep yourself safe but in allseriousness with the surveys that say kids have had sex at 14 and even younger is not moral. I mean you're a kid, and no matter how mature you act or how 'slutty' you dress you'll still be a kid, and having sex just opens up a pandora's box that shouldn't be opened.
I think its up to the individual.

I HATE hearing people call it ';stupid';. Or when people say they ';don't believe in it.'; It's obviously not stupid to everyone, some people just have different values and morals. But it's also wrong to call people stupid for doing it before marriage, because not everyone wants to wait or get married either. And how can you not believe in it? It exists! It's there. Always will be, so you have to believe in it. It just might not be the right path for you.

I think whatever you want to do is just fine, as long as you don't belittle me for my choices.
well i respect people who want to wait and don't judge them but i personally couldn't ha ha. i have been in a good relationship with the same man for over 8 years we have 2 children and another on the way. we are happy the way we are without marriage ruining our happy relationship. our children are christened but we are not regular church attenders so not going to drill it into the kids. they can decide for them selves when they r older.

I mean is it the who religious thing that u wanna wait till marriage or just the whole make the love stronger reason?.
I agree with you. I view it as a valid option, but quite frankly IMPOSSIBLE to shove down ANYONE'S throat. Back when it was morally instated people were getting married at 14, not exactly a long wait. It's not realistic to expect teenagers to wait unless they themselves decide that's what they want to do. I started having sex with my still current boyfriend over 3 years ago when I was still 16. Looking back on it we wished we would have waited, but not because we were young.
I think it is a choice, just like not waiting. If a person wants to wait, then that is their choice. I did not make that choice and I am happy. Whatever makes you happy. Then again, if you choose to have sex, you need to be old enough to fully handle the consequences.
well, it's 100% their choice %26amp; doesn't affect me in any way, so i have nothing against.

personally, i didn't wait, but again, 100% my choice, and doesn't affect anyone in any way.
i think that it is a good thing to do but i dont believe that we should hate the people who dont choose to do it. and for shoving abstinece down throats i dont believe in that either. i feel the schools should teach safe sex not just abstinance.
I really don't care.

I mean if you can wait until marriage well more power to you.

Some people do and some people don't.

I respect people who wait, but only if they respect those of us that don't.
I think people who choose it are very patient!

I dont have anything against them, but celibacy isnt really for me..

I think it's great that some people choose to wait...i didn't, but I don't regret it either.
When it comes to other people, it's their choice. It's not my place to pass judgement, and I'd never tell someone their decision was 'right' or 'wrong' (I've had the 'you're so immoral' speech from a few friends). The right choice for me was not waiting. I became sexually active at 16, and wouldn't change a thing!

1) I wouldn't ever be left thinking I'd 'missed out', and contemplating an affair during my midlife crisis.

2) Would I buy a pair of shoes without trying them on?

3) To me sex is a big part of a romantic relationship. What if I found out me and my partner weren't compatible AFTER the ring was on my finger? Horror..

4) I can't imagine sleeping with only one person my entire life

5) I want to enjoy my youth while I'm young..

6) For me, marriage would be because I'm actually ready to settle down and spend my LIFE with that one person. Not just because I want to have sex.

7) It wouldn't leave me disappointed and thinking ';...That's it?'; on my wedding night, after waiting so many years for it.

8) Contraception has never been better, and I make the most of it!

9) I probably won't get married until I'm 25+, so that's a long time to wait for something as natural as sex.

10) I don't believe having sex before marriage is immoral in the slightest. For all of the reasons above, and the big one; it's not hurting anyone else. That to me is the definition of ';wrong';, if it hurts another person. I'm not religious, but consider myself to have good morals. They might not be everyone's idea of ';good'; ones (the sex, drinking, experimenting with soft drugs), but they work for me.

I knew the person I lost my virginity wasn't ';The One';, but I really enjoyed it. I'd never take it back.
I think it's unnecessary, but I do support those who do it. If anything, maybe it will help stop the spread of STI's a little bit. And I respect their self control.

But I didn't wait, and I don't think there's anything wrong with not waiting. I love my boyfriend very much, and think we'll get married someday. But if not, I don't mind losing my virginity to him, because I'll always look back and know that, at least for a few years, he was worth it.

I also hate that they push abstinence on kids so much. Teaching sex ed that way will NEVER be a good thing, because teens will never stop having sex.

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