How should I go about getting my parents acceptance in married with my girlfriend, she is going on 17 a month after I turn 18. ...They want me to join the military and drop out of school but I want to complete school, live a normal life, and hopefully marrie the one I love, I know they dissaprove, but I love her. ...What should I do?...Marriage?
Your 18, which makes you a legal adult. Your parents may disapprove but there isn't anything they can do about it. Sure, they probably will be pissed for awhile, but they will get over it. You should focus on your hopes,dreams and wants and worry about making yourself happy first. Finish school, get a decent job and start making your life with the one you love. Good Luck....Marriage?
Do what your heart tells you. That is the only way you will be happy. Your lady is the one you will spend your life with. If your parents love you the way they should they will eventually get over it.
you need to do what is right for you. if you love this girl, and would like to make a life with this person, then i would hope that your parents can put aside anything that they want for your happiness. good luck
Once you turn 18 there isn't a single thing your parents can make you do. At that point you are an adult. Without knowing what is the situation between you and your parents I can't give you much more information. I hope that it helps and good luck.
Marrying while being a teenager is not a good idea.
Finish school, join the military, man up and become an independent ADULT,... and then get married at 21.
Good luck
Do not MARRY her. Continue to date.
It looks like you should stay in school.
you have to have a ged or high school diploma to join the service.
Always remember that your life is own it and have to live it, no one else does.
Your parents want you to quit school and join the military???
Do they realize how important an education is???
You can still join the military, just finish school first. Also that I'm aware of, the US military won't accept anyone who doesn't have either a H.S. diploma or a GED.
I respect what you want to do also, but you and your girlfriend are both young, don't be in such a rush to get married. Wait a few years and date and really get to know each other. I'd say wait till your at least 21 to get married.
First of all don't drop out of school! How is this going to help your future? Once your 18 you can do as you wish. It would be nice if your parents would respect your decision, but don't let them control your future. Finish school and then start your life with your gf. Good luck.
Don't do it you are way too young and you will regret it later
i think you should do whatever feels right for you. your parents want the best for you, and that's great, but they ain't the ones who have to live it, you are. only you know what to do with this one, but try and see where your family are coming from on this.
if you drop out of school and join the military, what will happen if it doesn't work out? you have maybe lost your girlfriend, and you have to try and get your education back.
if you stay at school, and with your girlfriend, you might split up, and your family will disapprove, but they will get over it, and you will still have your education, which you need for the future. whatever you decide to do, good luck with it. i hope everything works out well for you.
You should follow your heart, their is an age thing but you love who you love. I would at least talk to them tell them how you feel and remind them that they were their once too. Good luck
You have to stay in school and graduate to join the military. Perhaps your parents did not graduate and think what was not good enough for them is also not good enough for you, so to speak.
Graduate. Do not get married yet, though. And do NOT get her pregnant..that is a very very bad way for a baby to start. If the two of you still love each other in..let's say .. 2 years..go for it.
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