Monday, August 16, 2010

How should a woman prepare herself for marriage?

I'm nearly graduating college and obtaining my degree within a year, I've had a lot of professional work experience and am very good at networking, yet have hopes of wanting to be ready for marriage.

What are other things that I can make sure to have covered before marriage? Just to be 'overqualified' per se.How should a woman prepare herself for marriage?
Learn how to cook and do laundry and clean the house. Of course being good in the sex dept. always helps.How should a woman prepare herself for marriage?
Its so messed up to care about the status of a relationship (marriage) that doesnt even exist. This is why everyone gets divorced and the world is so messed up.

If you love someone, fine. Why do you need to get married? Marriage is an outdated social custom. Why do you need to get married?????

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