Monday, August 16, 2010

How come you broads are always recommending that marriage should be avoided like the plague?

But I though marriage was this ';heaven on earth'; arrangement where absolutely nothing can go wrong.

And once you DO get married, don't you broads fight tooth and nail to save horrible marriage?

What gives ladies?How come you broads are always recommending that marriage should be avoided like the plague?
Well, this 'broad' doesn't really know what your question is.

Marriage is great for some people, not so much for others.

When my marriage was over, I didn't 'fight tooth and nail', in fact, I left him, against his wishes.

So either I'm not a typical 'broad', or your theories are incorrect.How come you broads are always recommending that marriage should be avoided like the plague?
With your attitude, you're destined to a lifetime of unhappiness and loneliness.

Oh, and for the record, I'm anything but typical.

Anyway, good luck, I hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for.

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Hey Georgie, with the word 'broads' that you use here, that is not showing any respect if you are calling every woman that. You don't speak for me because marriage to me means something different than what you are saying here. Everyone has problems in their marriage, but a strong marriage is saved by the ones who want to work out their problems instead of finding a way out of their marriage. A strong marriage is a contract never to be broken between husband and wife no matter how tough it gets.

Also, a horrible marriage with major problems is caused by horrible people who don't want to fix the problems. Some would rather not grow up and be responsible for their own actions. And some ignore the problems as if they never happened.

Good question though.
Well you know Georgie boy, it isn't that us broads have a problem with marriage altogether, it's marriages to JERKS like you that we advise that people avoid like the plague.

What can I tell you, G? Some broads would rather be in bad company than be alone, and others would rather stay in a miserable marriage than have to go out and get jobs.

Can't paint all broads with a broad brush, though.
marriage can be heaven on earth.... if both people are in love and respect and committed to each other.

marriage can also be hell on earth.... if both or even one.... is so selfish or insecure... or stubborn .... or what not....

marriage is what you make of it.
Well Georgio it's like this, you are a self proclaimed top contributor and your opinion doesn't hold shitt.
First of all what is with the BROAD remark! I cannot believe you could even find someone who would MARRY a person like you that talks about women the way you do!
Did you just call women broads?
WOW BRO HAM ! them braods there that wont marry you..... shocking must not like being called braods. enjoy that 40+ single bar.
I know a lot about soup and broads, but this marriage thing is beyond me!
eh...the same reason you men avoid us like the plague 5-7 days out of the month
what evers....blah blah blah...single is where its at...
BROADS ??? WHEW ! What a Neanderthal you are !
Hmm....what's wrong with yours?

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