Monday, August 16, 2010

How come conservative republicans are against gay marriage?

How come conservative republicans are against gay marriage? They talk about the sanctity of marriage but they are the first to cheat on their wives. Just wanted to know the rational behind it.How come conservative republicans are against gay marriage?
You say conservative and rational in the same sentence without using sarcasm. Rare, but ok.... And you sound sincere. Unexpected, but ok... I'll give you an honest response.

Most of this all falls under a religious view, which defies rational thought. Even though our country was based on christianity, we have fallen so far from the original intent of our founding fathers, it's almost negligible to be the basis of this argument.


Rational: %26gt;.%26lt;'

Reality: They're hypocrites. Simple as that.

But guess what? It's NOT MY BUSINESS. As long as it stays that way, I don't care if you f*ck farm animals, practice cannibalism, and poke forks through sensitive areas. As long as I don't see it, I don't care. But the moment I see a dude pull a carrot out of his @ss and kiss another dude, that's when we're gonna have some problems.

*Ah hell, religious nuts. Ok, I hate gays. It's creepy, grosses me out, and it is beyond disturbing. Just like bestiality.

But what the HELL, this guy/girl asked a legitimate question! I didn't catch the part BEGGING for a lecture. Jesus died for our sins, to save us. I failed to catch the part where he said, ';remember my good and faithful servants, hate anyone who believes differently than you. Tell everyone they'll burn in hell, so they will become christians!';

You all are so counterproductive! What happened to love your neighbor as yourself? I thought Jesus walked with prostitutes and tax collectors, he cared for them and won them over. Not some mighty smiter of f@ggots.

Jesus said himself, when people come to Him in the end times, proclaiming ';what about all these things I did for you Lord?'; and he says ';be gone from me, for I know you not.';

Read up on the pharisees and the other religious leaders. You all sound suspiciously similar to them. Maybe you should read the book you constantly throw in our faces. People like you make me avoid church.

Another thing, God didn't make them that way, it's a CHOICE! I wasn't born a straight, I choose to be that way! How the hell is gay some birth related thing? That's like saying you've been born stupid, and I was born to hate you!How come conservative republicans are against gay marriage?
There's a rock band in Los Angeles called Sweet Eve - they always sell out venues in West Hollywood (gay central) and the frontman is like Rush Limbaugh on speed. The guy is like early 20s and he got fired from his teaching job because he wouldn't teach homosexuality to the kids in his class.

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I am not a republican. I am, however, Christian and I am AGAINST gay marriage!!!! Whole heartedly because it is unnatural. A mother and a father individually bring something unique to a marriage and their children鈥檚 lives. If Obama legalizes this I WILL be a republican in 2012!!!

If marriage is in turmoil, and it is, the answer is not to toss it to the dogs it is to repair the sanctity of marriage! NO GAY MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
Obama is neither a Conservative nor a Republican, and he is against gay marriage...Why? He said it was because of his Christian beliefs......I don't know if he has cheated on his wife or not, and I don't care

My husband and I are both Conservative Republicans...We haven't cheated on each other

Bill Clinton cheats on his wife...He isn't a Conservative or a Republican

You are wrong on all of your points..That makes it difficult to take your 'question' seriously
Okay, first of all - I'm a conservative Republican who always votes in favor of gay rights. I've never cheated on anyone. So, please stop stereotyping me.

I vote in favor of equality. That's why I'm pro gay rights, and against affirmative action.

Agree with Ray (below). It was first time voters this past election that killed marriage in California - primarily minority Democrats.
In order for a marriage to be legal consummation has to take place and if it does not then an annulment can take place? How exactly can Gays consummate their ';marriage';?

Gays can marry anyone they want as long as it is of the opposite sex.

Why do you libs want to change the definition of everything?

Liberals are no longer liberal they are straight up communists in bleeding heart robes. Now that is a definition I can live with.
Some things in life just aren't right. I have no qualms about you being Gay as it's your life etc. It's when these subjects are forced on people they push back, I don't care how much in love you are, you need to realise that it's going to take a long time for people to accept the marriage part. Only now are people getting used to Gay people and accepting them for who they are.
1st of way to stereotype

2ed yes we do talk about sanctity of marriage BETWEEN A MAN AND WOMAN

3ed Again with stereotyping -not all people who say they are christians are real christians an extreme case of that is Obama. If you look their at Christianity over all all the different branches including Catholics nit is rare for them to cheat on their husband or wife it is just that the media is so liberal they blow it out of proportion making it such a big deal just to try to make us look bad.

We are all sinners in the eyes of god but if we repent our sins will be washed away by the blood of god
since wen can u reproduce with a guy and a guy?

it's so wrong! sum ppl get grossed out wen a guy and a grl make out but a guy and a guy? that's sooo messed up

I don't know about us being the first to cheat on our spouses but i think for the most part it's religious. we're NOT trying to control who can marry who i mean it's our opinion which we are entitled to.
*shrugs* a variety of reasons and not all of them are against it as for people who say being gay is unnatural humans are not the only species where two males sometimes have sex i forgot the other ones at the moment but i do remember hearing about a few
If you want the most stereotypical answer-Because the gays are judged according to the individual lawmaker's religious beliefs. Which the country absolutely must follow. It doesn't matter what actually happens, G-d only cares about what the law is.

Your post is ill-informed In the very liberal state of Calif it was the black community that voted in prop 8 banning gay marriage But I think you knew this already so what is your rational behind you posting a lie?
To think a man likes a man and a woman likes a woman is kinda new, a bit too much to think about, it should be decided through voting in states not the president.
I'm trying to figure out why the same Liberals who preach about evolution want gay marriage when that completely goes against nature.
one more time... marriage is marriage... and gay marriage is gay marriage... and well the two can never be equal... the same as man and woman are not the same... get over it...
they seem to require an authority that anchors their lives and the one they have been told is correct decries same sex marriage
If gays were so immoral, why did God create them? If they could change, why wouldn't they? Republicans always lack logic.
They need the government to control every aspect of their lives from who they marry to when they reproduce.
They should correctly realize that the highest expression of love is sodomy. Jeez what are they thinking right?
Not all are against it. Ever heard of log cabin republicans?
Rrraaaar! Being gay is sick and wrong! How can one man look at another man's hairy *** and find love? Rrraaaar!
Try reading the answers to one of the other 3278 questions that have already been asked about it.
Minding other people's business.
They are the same people who (falsely) believe America is a 'Christian' nation. They believe that gay people have a choice to be gay or not, and how that somehow makes it not okay to be gay (regardless of freedom of religion OR the phrase 'every man is created equal). The only explanation is that they believe religion should be mixed with politics (very very bad), or they view homosexuals as sub-human, not truly people (also very very bad).

There is no other explanation for anti-gay sentiment in a nation with freedom of religion and equality. I'm truly surprised it has remained a government issue for as long as it has. For people who claim to love 'rights,' they sure are quick to take them away from others.
definition of marriage is union between man and woman

Why do gays need the government to ';OK'; their marriage.

Gays and Lesbians are FREE to marry. As long as it is one male and one female.

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