Monday, August 16, 2010

How about really protecting marriage? Along with the gay marriage issue, how about protecting it from divorce?

More lives are impacted by divorce than the gay marriage, yet I don't see or hear anyone talking of reforming the no fault divorce laws. I know in the Bible it says homosexuality is an abomination but it also says God hates divorce. Is this hypocritical? I mean aren't we selectively legislating morality? I'd like to see no fault divorce done away with in order to really hold up the institution of marriage. How about really protecting marriage? Along with the gay marriage issue, how about protecting it from divorce?
Banning gay marriage is selective legislation based on morality. Worse, it denies gay people fundamental rights based on the prejudice of the majority. I also agree that many people judge the conduct of others before evaluating their own behavior.

I believe that divorce should remain legal. Although it is terribly sad when a couple has committed themselves for life and it doesn't work, the outlet must remain. Those I know who have decided to divorce have not made the decision lightly.

Personally, I am not concerned about the sanctity of marriage. My own marriage is great and that won't change because of the actions of others.How about really protecting marriage? Along with the gay marriage issue, how about protecting it from divorce?
The USA, which includes our courts, were built on Christianity, so we do not have to keep ';our religion'; our of OUR courts.

I totally agree. God hates divorce and gives only 2 reasons one can divorce their spouse: death and adultery.

I believe they should make divorce illegal. Then people would truly respect the sanctity of marriage instead of throwing it away like a piece of trash.

Too bad it will never happen. People are hypocrits. They'll say we cannot make divorce illegal because its against people's rights, forcing us to do something we don't want, blah blah blah.

On the other hand, it scares me to think of what some will do to get out of a marriage, you know?
Yes it's hypocritical. But nobody opens their mind to see the contradictions within their logic. So there for nobody knows. plus 2 gay people getting married will not affect me at all. I guarantee you 2 gays just married as I was typing this, and my life is affected in no way whatsoever.
Keep your religion outta our courts.
Yes, people do selectively legislate morality.

When it comes to taking something the bible says and using it for an example, often that verse can be taken out of the paragraph surrounding it, and it's meaning totally changed. For anyone to quote the bible... or any segment of any text for that matter, you have to relate to the idea the writer was addressing. Medical research papers, legal documents, segments of a tape recording.....

People want to bring up points in the bible without knowing the full story, or even the whole paragraph.

A man beats his wife until she's black and blue and bleeding, hey the bible says ';forgive 7 times 70';, ';God hates divorce'; ';turn the other cheek';. By taking all of those scriptures out of context, a women should stay with a man in a horrible marriage and let her children see him beat her raw??? NO. It also says a man should love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. She should call the police and report it, because God has ordained for there to be common sense laws that man has to follow. Then he will get thrown in jail, because whether or not he wants to follow his portion of the bible, man made laws are their to protect her from being hurt. There is too much to go into. And yes, people do selectively decide what they want to follow.

Divorce hurts, but often people are not willing to do what it takes to make the marriage work where one party might want to, and does everything they can. Everyone has a free will.

Homosexuality is NOT natural, socially or scientifically. Look all over the world where christianity is not even the religion. Look at the pygmies who once had no outside contact or influences. A man and a woman together ';is natural'; and that is why god made mens and womens organs the way He did and their ';instincts'; differently.

My point is, everyone has the free will to do whatever they want to. However without following the ';owners manual,'; stuff breaks down. People just want the easy way out and that's what they choose. From parents being too busy to train their kids or spend time with them or having psychological issues, to those kids bringing into their marriage as adults the issues they had that caused problems in their own marriage that left THEIR kids with issues...and the cycle continues.

Look, if you really want to know what and why the bible says what it does, go someplace that can give you some decent intelligent answers. That probablly isn't yahoo! answers. Get a good bible with study notes that professors claim to be the closest to the original translation, the New American Standard Bible (NAS or NASB) and look into it yourself. And find someplace you can learn about what it says. That's why people go to bible studies to understand it, it's just easy to misunderstand. God promises a father to the fatherless, peace when you sleep, vats overflowing, wisdom, joy... and how you receive these depends on what choices you make. Don't get your oil changed in your car and watch what happens. Follow the owners manual and you will get better results.

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