Monday, August 16, 2010

How is wanting to preserve the sanctity of marriage discriminating against homosexuals?

So someone is an intolerant bigot just because they want to preserve the institution of marriage as it's always been? No culture in the world has ever accepted gay marriage. It's not natural, and not the way marriage was intended by the Creator.How is wanting to preserve the sanctity of marriage discriminating against homosexuals?
Yes, we should ban homosexual marriages because of the impact it has on poor insecure people like you.

Honestly... if the gay married couple next door has that much impact on your marriage, maybe you shouldn't get married.How is wanting to preserve the sanctity of marriage discriminating against homosexuals?
The sanctity of marriage is the promise that two individuals make between each other because they want to share their lives together. Just because two people of the same gender love each other enough to want to marry each other, doesn't make it a crime. It is bigotry in a sense, how would you feel if you wouldn't be able to marry someone with the opposite gender of you? When I'm asking this questing I'm implying that if cultures did accept gay marriage but not straight marriage, it would be the same. Being open-minded is one of the key-factors to understanding. Do you know about gay couples not being able to share their insurance coverage, for instance when a loved one is in a dire situation at a hospital, but the other spouse can't do anything because they don't have enough money to take care of it, but with their insurance they would be able to save their spouse's life. Now with a straight married couple, they're allowed to share insurance. If you say that Catholicism is right, then you have to prove that in no way does it unlawfully hurt others.
You're pretty wrong about no culture accepting it. We're one of the few ';civilized'; nations that don't allow it. You apparently don't read much. Here's a few who do.

















United Kingdom

New Zealand

South Africa



Bigoted Americans look at the ';sanctity of marriage'; with the idealized image they have/had of when people get married, and utterly fail to consider that infidelity in marriage has reached 70% and the divorce rate 50%. Does that sound like a sanctified institution to you? Fantasy is fun, but you have to embrace reality when you're dealing with the real world and the lives of real people. Many, if not most, gay relationships last longer than ';traditional'; ones. If anyone deserves the right, it's those who respect it and don't consider it as disposable when it gets difficult.

Oh, and about the ';creator.'; If you're going to insert god into this, you are WAY out of line. You cannot foist your silly little belief systems on other people, not to mention, if you think you can, you have to deny marriage to atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, and every single other ';traditional'; couple who does not believe in the God of Abraham (that's yours, in case you didn't know).

Not only are you discriminating, you're hypocritical and cherry-picking what you think should be allowed in your delusional little world. And you wonder why people are coming down on Christians. If there were anything remotely Christlike about your conduct, they wouldn't.
No. Married couples have benefits that couples who are just in long term relationships don't have. Like being able to have each other on their health insurance, being able to view and claim the remains of the deceased partner, or being able to file jointly on their taxes. And this doesn't even start to address the benefits when the couple are raising children. These are all privileges that marriage give to couples. Homosexual couple just want those same privileges. It has nothing do do with the sanctity of marriage.
';As it's always been';. So your plural marriages were arranged?

Yes, cultures in the world have accepted gay marriage. The Roman Empire accepted them, until the Christians took over and ordered the execution of people in gay marriages.

Your ';Creator'; is pretend, keep your religion in your own religious community. Even other people who believe in God accept gay people as equals. You're stamping on their religious freedom. If your church doesn't want to marry gay people, then it's within its rights not to perform the ceremony.

Yes, you're an intolerant bigot because you want to deny equal rights to gay people to marry whom they love.

Marriage itself is not natural. It's a man made institution. Long term pair-bonds are natural, and guess what. There are many species in which there are long term homosexual pair-bonds. For example, in black swans (famous for being counterexamples of ridiculous postulations about nature), 20-25% of pairings are homosexual.
When are you guys going to come up with arguments that the racists who opposed interracial marriage in the 50s didn't use?

Denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a violation of the equal rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. It's that simple.

There is no ';Creator';, and even if there was, your baseless speculations about what it ';intends'; has absolutely no bearing on who can enter into legal contracts according to American law.
-how does a marriage between a man and a woman desanctify your own?

-before these times, marriage was only allowed between people of one race (interracial marriages were legalized some time ago). Before that, people didn't even choose their spouses.

-The Greek culture was very accepting of homosexuality.

-Gay sex has been observed in nature by a variety of species.

-God does not exist.

But disregarding all that, let's just take marriage and rename it civil union. Would that make it okay with you?
Are you also against interracial marriage?

I am sure, of course, that you are also fighting to make divorce illegal? What with the 50% divorce rate, this must be quite a concern for you. Getting drunk in Las Vegas and marrying someone you don't know really does say something about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage...
I don't think that ALL opposition to gay marriage is based on outright bigotry. Some of it comes from an almost apocalyptic fear that allowing such a thing will destroy the institution itself. How can gay people destroy marriage when heterosexuals already beat them to it? Look at the straight divorce rate. What exactly are we preserving here? I'm a heterosexual, but I just don't see how two men or two women getting married negatively impacts my life at all. It is none of my business. If ';God'; doesn't like it, let Him sort it out. People need to stop meddling in the affairs of others.
First, God isn't real, so that's a silly thing to say.

If it's not natural, then the only alternative is super-natural, which doesn't make sense either. Things that are not natural by definition don't exist.

You don't know that NO culture has ever accepted it, so you're out of line there.

Given that some culture has accepted it, like some European countries, there is room for change.

It doesn't threaten you in any way. If I wanted to ban something you liked just because I didn't would that be fair? Then it works both ways.

I respect preserving logical thought, which would ban all religion. But I don't force that on you, do I?
If you want to do marriage the way that your Creator intended it to be then when you're 14 years old marry your 13 year old girlfriend who just began having regular periods , make her your slave , have a couple of kids by 17, lose your wife in childbirth when she's 19 , marry again ,have another family and be dead by 40 due an inoperable obstructed bowel

Why not ? After all that is the path that your Creator intended for you to follow
They are an inatolerant biggot because they won't give homosexuals the same legal status as everyone else. So either marriage should become a religious ritual with no legal attachments (which would make sense given the supposed separation of church and state) or give marriage to homosexuals.

And COME ON LISTEN TO YOURSELF, you're telling an entire section of society that the way they live their lives is not natural... how is that not being an intolerant biggot? Yes, I am calling you an intolerant biggot. You are an intolerant biggot... just incase you missed it or didn't understand.
How exactly does extending the benefits of marriage to homosexual couples disturb the sanctity of anyone else's marriage?

And if you can deny marriage to homosexuals, will you also deny marriage to divorced people? How much of your religion do you intend to impose upon our secular state?
Did Christians create Marriage ? I think not, it was going on way before Christ was a corporal. Christianity is one of the newest Religions on this planet, do your homework Catholic Boy ! Tell me how regulating who gets married preserves the institution of marriage. Your faith of all, to ***** about it, we don't divorce we declare it never happened(annul) , and then remarry. WTF. Vows don't mean anything other than, I love you until I don't then we divorce, at least to the overwhelming majority of folks. I ranted, you hit a nerve. I don't mean to offend but get the facts straight.
That's pretty much the same argument people used against interracial marriage. Way to go. Besides that argument is fallacious (appeal to common practice and appeal to tradition).

Homosexuality has been observed in nature and some societies have approved of gay marriage (Greeks and Romans).
It is discriminating for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to not recognize the rights of same sex couples to have the same ';agreement'; and privileges that straight couples have.

If your church doesn't want gays to marry in it, fine. But, that doesn't mean your church has the right to stop gays from having marital rights anywhere else, we live in a secular country, not a christian one.

The government recognizes straight people who marry outside of the church as having a marriage, you get a marriage lisence. this piece of paper has NOTHING to do with religion or god or your stupid church.
Marriage is a contract of law first, by religion voluntarily.

If you don't want gay marriage in your church, then take it up with your church, but denying life gay partners the same legal protection that is given to hetrosexual partners under legal marriage is discrimination.
What is ';natural'; and ';unnatural';? It is all subjective. Your sexual orientation is given to you by God. People are divorcing faster than getting married. I wonder why? Do you realise you are persecuting these people? It is none of your business how they live their lives. You are offending God deeply, and giving Catholics a ';bad name';.
This is a legal rather than a moral issue and in this country we have separation of church and state. By practicing Catholicism you automatically discriminate against evryone who is not Catholic, so just go on with letting Rome tell you what to believe-wouldn't want you to strain yourself learning any actual facts.
It's discriminating because access is based on sexuality, not one's competency to get married and, not the idea that all people should have the same rights. This is the very essence of discrimination.
How about just stop caring about stupid stuff. I do and im a lot happier than you.

BTW I heard Tiger Woods earlier today talking about how important the sanctity of marriage is and how gay people are ruining it.
not true bigot canada allows gay marriage and sweden has a gay prime minster plus ancient greek and Romans its your christian fanatics that try and own marital writes . as far as im concerned you can marry who you like as long as there the same species
Blacks used to not be able to marry whites.

By your logic, we should instill this rule, yes?

So are you against interracial marriage? Because interracial marriage was not traditional by any means.
How is allowing gay marriage going to ruin the sanctity of marriage?

HAHA!!!, sanctity of marriage....
Look up ';Adelphapoiesis';. It is very possible that the Catholic church not only endorsed, but had a specific ceremony for same sex unions between males.
11% of men are homosexual. If the dice had been rolled against your favor you wouldn't be arguing from the point of view you're on.

Side note: Homosexuality is genetic.
how is ';discriminating'; in any religion okay i don't remember a religion that said discriminating for what someone may believe in is okay
So, why do Christians have a higher divorce rate than Atheists?

Maybe because they also have higher rates of teen pregnancy, STD infection, and domestic violence.
Well I don't agree with gay marriage either but cultural acceptance is not a valid argument.
Why do christians think that they control the marriage Rules ?

Folks were getting married long before christianity was invented
Always has been? Did you know marriage predates Christianity? Did you know early Roman Empire allowed same sex marriage?

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